Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Hi everyone,

My name is Holli, I'm 31 years old and was studying criminal justice at Tunxis Community College in Farmington, CT. I currently live in Wallingford, CT. I haven't finished school yet but I am extremely interested in all things crime related. I know there's plenty of websites and blogs dedicated to missing people but the way I look at it is the more exposure the better. I'm also going to start an unsolved cases blog, but I'm going to see how this one goes first. All the information I will be providing is from the Internet and I will try to give credit to whatever sites I use. I'm mostly going to be using NamUS. I hope this helps to make more people aware, and I hope to help the families by spreading information about their missing loved ones. One person can make a difference. One person can be the link needed. Please, if you have any information on any cases I talk about, don't hesitate to pass it along. Remember, you can always remain anonymous! Thanks!

I'm going to start with Alabama since it's the first state alphabetically. I'm choosing cases at random to profile. I'm going to try to post one a day, but we'll see what happens. I'm going to do a different state every post. Any questions or comments can be sent to hollihathaway1@gmail.com

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